Saturday, December 13, 2008

i found an artist today while making my christmas list:

im into quiet spaces right now

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

go go life drawing!!!

i wish i still last years life drawings to compare these to.. they were tasty good. i feel like a proud mother with these, especially my boy with pink eye


my first concentration piece, it looks nicer in person i promise. matt <3's jordan

sketching in my book, v. 2.0

this years sketches... still amazing talented haaa

sketching in my book

sketchbooks from last year... i was so talented

Friday, October 24, 2008


my concentration is circles.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

as most of you already know (thanks to megan) theres a new kid in town. maybe i should bring him in for a show & tell/life drawing session so we can have a real baby instead of fake creepy ones..

Thursday, October 2, 2008


it's the glorious unicorn corner!

this is from last year with that 30 self portrait project. i found it in the pile of mrs. mcbrides in the middle of the room & thought i'd add it...

this is the portland inspired art peice from the feild trip. my picture was of some wood with knot holes & it look all organic & flowy. the mid grounds supposed to be based off of that. this one had plaster build up too with the background & the formost things are tissue... i may add more green bubbles but i'm not sure as of now.

this is the creepy baby/bones painting.. ive been told on mutiple occasions it looks like a satan baby, possibley driving an invisible car.

look i finally did it mrs. mcbride!!

this is one of my summer art peices... it's a self portrait, kind of. the nose & left eye look a little messed up because they're built up with plaster.